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Who am I?

Men in Suits

You think You Know

Many men have received mixed messages, not to mention a flimsy example of what it means to be a man. We've learned to present ourselves as confident, but in truth we live in a bubble that can easily burst when facing the challenges of life. This less than secure footing especially gives in as we pass our 40s, when we begin to see our vibrancy decline.

Is That What It Means?

The media has presented many definitions of what it means to be a man. We have been told that the six pack is the definition of handsome, that being aggressive constitutes confidence, and that relating to significant others like the old John Wayne of TV is strong. Anything to feel powerful. By the way, that guy to our right won't look that way for long.

Body Builder
Man Portrait

Integrating YOU!

The second half of life is no joke. It takes courage to deal with the changes, and changes will take place. Making sense of those inevitable movements--signs of aging, loss of ability--is one thing. Addressing the "Why" and "What next" is another. But that we must if we wish to live a more integrated life as we follow the course.

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